
Welcome To LVR


Worldview, LVR (Listen, Value, Respond) is an instrument designed to identify how you communicate, build relationships and handle difficult conversations.

The questionnaire consist of 15 scenarios depicting typical situations. For each statement you will be asked to 'think yourself' into the role of the manager. Don't spend too long thinking about each scenario but make sure that you have a good grasp of each before reading the responses.

For each statement you will be asked to distribute 10 points among the 5 possible responses you are likely to, or would ever use. The points do not have to be spread equally among the five responses, but each situation must equal ten. The values entered must be 1 through 10 only. The objective is for you to place the highest value on what you would most likely do first. You can use a zero in the spaces as long as the total responses equal ten.

In the following example, the points are distributed through the responses according to what that the manager might typically do in this situation.

Any questions, contact a member of the MGL team on +44 2891 817740.

You run out of petrol on a deserted country road. Would you:

ALeave the car and walk to the nearest petrol station.

BLie on the back seat and sleep.

C Wait for help to arrive.

DStand at the side of the road screaming loudly.

EWalk to the country pub you saw a few miles back.

Attempts to ascertain the 'correct answers', if not typical of your style, will result in an inaccurate assessment of your style.